Boris Niehaus
Multimedia / Photojournalism
Boris Niehaus
Multimedia / Photojournalism
Hey, my name is Boris Niehaus (aka. JUST).
I am a Berlin based Artist, Blogger and freelance Photojournalist.
I studied Photography in 2003/04 in Scotland (Edinburgh-College) and i am a member of the german and international Federation of Journalists (DJV & IFJ) since 2008. I do work for the following agencies: Snapshot-Photography (Süddeutsche Zeitung Photo, Imago Stock & People, Ullstein Bild, Future Image)
I am available for editorial or corporate assignments and collaborations both domestically and international.
Please send me an email for any kind of enquieries: bo.niehaus@gmail.com
Hey, my name is Boris Niehaus (aka. JUST).
I am a Berlin based Artist, Blogger and freelance Photojournalist.
I studied Photography in 2003/04 in Scotland (Edinburgh-College) and i am a member of the german and international Federation of Journalists (DJV & IFJ) since 2008. I do work for the following agencies: Snapshot-Photography (Süddeutsche Zeitung Photo, Imago Stock & People, Ullstein Bild, Future Image)
I am available for editorial or corporate assignments and collaborations both domestically and international.
Please send me an email for any kind of enquieries: bo.niehaus@gmail.com
Hey, ich bin Boris Niehaus (auch bekannt als JUST)
und ich bin ein in Berlin lebender Künstler, Blogger und freier Fotograf / Fotojournalist.
Fotografie habe ich 2003/2004 in Schottland am Edinburgh College studiert und bin seit 2008 Mitglied beim Deutschen Journalisten Verband. Ich arbeite für die folgenden Agenturen: Snapshot-Photography (Süddeutsche Zeitung Photo, Imago Stock & People, Ullstein Bild, Future Image).
Ich stehe für redaktionelle und kommerzielle Projekte (national/international) zur Verfügung
und freue mich über Anfragen: bo.niehaus@gmail.com

CLIENTS (Selection):
ARTOTALE University of Lueneburg
Springstoff / SOOKEE
Backjumps / Bethanien Kunstraum Kreuzberg
BWA Wroclaw-Galleries of Contemporary Art
Schöner Leben ohne Nazis
2007 Backjumps the Live Issue, Berlin (Info)
2008 & 2009 Urban Affairs, Berlin (Info)
2009 (Solo) ATM-Gallery, Berlin (Info)
2009 30Works, Cologne (Info)
2010 Inoperable, Vienna (Info)
2010 EVOL & JUST (Month of Photography), Berlin (Info)
2011 Hallenkunst, Chemnitz (Info)
2013 Letters from Aleppo, Stattbad Wedding Berlin (Info)
2013 Looking for Freedom, Budapest (Info)
2014 CONSSPACE, Berlin (Info)
2014 COLLECTION | Gallery Group Show, Berlin (Info)
2015 Bundeskunsthalle (Info)
2016 Solo-Show @ Braindamage Gallery, Poland (Info)
2016 - 2017 Theaterstück: Quo vadis bellum (Info)
2018 SORRY!, Berlin (Info)
2019 BERLIN: WRITING GRAFFITI, Bruxelles (Info)
2020 FFM: SW5Y 5 Jahre zivile Seenotrettung (Info)
VICE, Focus, New York Times, Cicero (Cover), ART Magazine, ZEIT-Online, Zitty, TIP, Spiegel Online, SPIEGEL, Tagesspiegel, NRZ, Rugged, Modart, Backspin, TAZ, PRINZ, Missy Magazine, Berliner Zeitung, BZ, Linux Magazine, TRUST, VNA, HATE Magazine, BVG-Magazine, 030, Marx21, DesignWeek, Tages-Anzeiger, derFreitag, NETZPOLITIK, Siegessäule, ANIMALNEWYORK, Rolling Stone, Prager Frühling, Deutschlandfunk, Plastic Bomb, RAP.de, Zeit-Online, HEISE, the Guardian, BR Bayerischer Rundfunk .. and many others.
Books, Catalogues (Selection):
Backspin the Live Issue #3 (FHTF), Call it what you like / Rik Reinking (KunstCentret Silkeborg Bad), Streetart in Berlin (Jaron Verlag), Urban Art aus der Sammlung Reinking (Hatje Cantz Verlag), Part of Rebellion Part 2 (Publikat), Mural Art 1 & 2 (Publikat), Beyond Architecture (Gestalten Verlag), MODART BOOK 1 (Gingko Press), INGRAFIKA, TURMKUNST (Jaron Verlag), THE ART OF REBELLION 3 (Publikat), URBAN INTERVENTIONS (Gestalten Verlag), GRAFF WARS (Kontur Publishing), OUT OF STH (BWA WROCLAW), Vergesst Auschwitz! (Albrecht Knaus Verlag), Berlin Graffiti Reloaded (Jaaron Verlag), VELO (Gestalten Verlag), „Permanently Improvised - 15 Years of Urban Collage“ by Various & Gould..
ARTOTALE University of Lueneburg
Springstoff / SOOKEE
Backjumps / Bethanien Kunstraum Kreuzberg
BWA Wroclaw-Galleries of Contemporary Art
Schöner Leben ohne Nazis
2007 Backjumps the Live Issue, Berlin (Info)
2008 & 2009 Urban Affairs, Berlin (Info)
2009 (Solo) ATM-Gallery, Berlin (Info)
2009 30Works, Cologne (Info)
2010 Inoperable, Vienna (Info)
2010 EVOL & JUST (Month of Photography), Berlin (Info)
2011 Hallenkunst, Chemnitz (Info)
2013 Letters from Aleppo, Stattbad Wedding Berlin (Info)
2013 Looking for Freedom, Budapest (Info)
2014 CONSSPACE, Berlin (Info)
2014 COLLECTION | Gallery Group Show, Berlin (Info)
2015 Bundeskunsthalle (Info)
2016 Solo-Show @ Braindamage Gallery, Poland (Info)
2016 - 2017 Theaterstück: Quo vadis bellum (Info)
2018 SORRY!, Berlin (Info)
2019 BERLIN: WRITING GRAFFITI, Bruxelles (Info)
2020 FFM: SW5Y 5 Jahre zivile Seenotrettung (Info)

VICE, Focus, New York Times, Cicero (Cover), ART Magazine, ZEIT-Online, Zitty, TIP, Spiegel Online, SPIEGEL, Tagesspiegel, NRZ, Rugged, Modart, Backspin, TAZ, PRINZ, Missy Magazine, Berliner Zeitung, BZ, Linux Magazine, TRUST, VNA, HATE Magazine, BVG-Magazine, 030, Marx21, DesignWeek, Tages-Anzeiger, derFreitag, NETZPOLITIK, Siegessäule, ANIMALNEWYORK, Rolling Stone, Prager Frühling, Deutschlandfunk, Plastic Bomb, RAP.de, Zeit-Online, HEISE, the Guardian, BR Bayerischer Rundfunk .. and many others.
Books, Catalogues (Selection):
Backspin the Live Issue #3 (FHTF), Call it what you like / Rik Reinking (KunstCentret Silkeborg Bad), Streetart in Berlin (Jaron Verlag), Urban Art aus der Sammlung Reinking (Hatje Cantz Verlag), Part of Rebellion Part 2 (Publikat), Mural Art 1 & 2 (Publikat), Beyond Architecture (Gestalten Verlag), MODART BOOK 1 (Gingko Press), INGRAFIKA, TURMKUNST (Jaron Verlag), THE ART OF REBELLION 3 (Publikat), URBAN INTERVENTIONS (Gestalten Verlag), GRAFF WARS (Kontur Publishing), OUT OF STH (BWA WROCLAW), Vergesst Auschwitz! (Albrecht Knaus Verlag), Berlin Graffiti Reloaded (Jaaron Verlag), VELO (Gestalten Verlag), „Permanently Improvised - 15 Years of Urban Collage“ by Various & Gould..

Westbank in early 2012:
In a one-day-trip we visited the village of NABI SALEH in the Westbank.
Like every Friday there has been a protest against a nearby israeli settlemet. Like every Friday there has been clashes between the protesters and the IDF.
Slideshow this way (turn on sound, upper right).

1. passing the Checkpoint Qalandia into Westbank 2. Protesters in Nabi Saleh that got tear gased 3. Isareli Teargas granades as decoration in Nabi Saleh 4. Weekly Protest in Nabi Saleh
Aleppo, Syria in December 2012:
The civil war has been waging for just over a year, as we entered syrian territoriy in late 2012.
Each day rebels told us that the war will be won and will be over soon. The sheer destruction and madness was unbelievable.
Click here for a picture-slideshow (turn on sound, upper right).

1. Frontline 2. Patient in a abandoned psychiatry that happend tp be next to the, at this time, frontline. Constant sounds of shelling, the screams of the other residents. And only one man from the neighborhood that took care of them. 3. Publication in REPORTAGEN-Magazin 4. Regime forces kept shooting missiles into rebel held territory. That day, they hit an ambulance.
Israel and Gaza, 2014:

1. Digging for bodies after an israeli airstrike 2. Showing off israeli rockets 3. playground 4. An orthodox jewish family watching rockets fired by Hamas out of Gaza.
Iraq & Syria, late 2014:
As part of a delegation out of medics and journalists i traveled to Rojava,
to inspect and document the medical condition in northern Syria.

Whaler watching campaign w/ Hard to Port in 2015, Iceland:

Sea Watch 3, 2019 & 2020:
I joined the Crew of the Sea-Watch 3 for two Missions in 2019 and 2020.
SW is a German non-governmental organisation that saves lives in the Mediterranean sea.

Some of the Photos i took during the last decade:

"Just's breathtaking photos are dramatic documents of daring graffiti artists in action.
Through them you can vicariously experience the danger and thrills of rooftop writing."
- Martha Cooper.

On July 17, 2014 around 1000 pro-palestinian people came together in Berlin to protest against a pro-israeli rally on Joachimsthaler Platz in Berlin.
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Boris Niehaus / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)